Tuesday 26 February 2013

Leo has sold this bespoke table!

Also, Ricky has a commission to make a small coffee table and is well on the way to completing it. 

Here are some other examples of our eclectic range, the bottle rack, coat rack and shelves.  

Thursday 7 February 2013

More amazing furniture and our first sold piece

Our first finished table, sold yesterday and now in it's new home.  Many tables, bottle racks and shelves are nearing completion. 

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Website is up!!

You can find out more about us by checking out our website on www.theccbpalletproject.webs.com - you can also place orders here!

The first sale was made!!

Ricky, on behalf of himself and Aaron, kicked of the project by making his first sale - an amazing perspex covered garden table with castors for ease of movement.  Looking fabulous and sanded to a smooth perfection, the table was more than Lisa Berseford (TA for 14-16's) had been expecting.

Friday 1 February 2013

The project begins!!

Group B already have two commisions - one from Vice-Principle of City College, Rebecca Conroy!  Word is spreading fast and the boys have been cutting, sanding, and varnishing all day.  Here is to a successful launch of 'The Pallet Project'!!!!!